
Amankah Bila Ibu Hamil Menggunakan Sunscreen? Perhatikan Kandungan dan Tips Memilihnya

Selain menjaga kesehatan tubuh dan perkembangan janin, ibu hamil juga perlu menjaga dan merawat kesehatan kulitnya.Nah, salah satu upaya menjaga kesehatan kulit yakni dengan pakaisunscreenatau tabir surya, terutama saat beraktivitas di luar rumah. Sayangnya, berbagai pendapat mengatakan bahwa penggunaan produk kulit tertentu, sepertisunscreen, saat hamil berisiko…
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5 coolest waterproof mobile devices

Britons are normally never more comfortable than when talking about the weather, but recent extreme weather events have began to test that theory. Since December, the United Kingdom has faced a relentless assault from some of the worst winter weather on record. It began with…

Say hello to the best phone in the world

Britons are normally never more comfortable than when talking about the weather, but recent extreme weather events have began to test that theory. Since December, the United Kingdom has faced a relentless assault from some of the worst winter weather on record. It began with…

The world’s tiniest drone put to the test

Britons are normally never more comfortable than when talking about the weather, but recent extreme weather events have began to test that theory. Since December, the United Kingdom has faced a relentless assault from some of the worst winter weather on record. It began with the worst storm and tidal surges in 60 years hitting the North Sea coastline, floods that ruined Christmas for thousands…
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Review: 4 rugged tablets put to the test

Britons are normally never more comfortable than when talking about the weather, but recent extreme weather events have began to test that theory. Since December, the United Kingdom has faced a relentless assault from some of the worst winter weather on record. It began with…

Battle over mobile payments is raging

Britons are normally never more comfortable than when talking about the weather, but recent extreme weather events have began to test that theory. Since December, the United Kingdom has faced a relentless assault from some of the worst winter weather on record. It began with…

Find out why this headphone is superb

Britons are normally never more comfortable than when talking about the weather, but recent extreme weather events have began to test that theory. Since December, the United Kingdom has faced a relentless assault from some of the worst winter weather on record. It began with the worst storm and tidal surges in 60 years hitting the North Sea coastline, floods that ruined Christmas for thousands…
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